Introduction to Mindfulness 2 - Monday mornings 9:30-11:30

Dates:     7/5     21/5     11/6     18/6     25/6                                                

Introduction to Mindfulness 1 - Tuesday evenings 19:30-21:30

Dates:     5/6    12/6     19/6     26/6     3/7                                                  

Parenting Gifted Children - Tuesday mornings 9:30-11:30

Dates:     8/5     15/5     5/6     19/6     3/7                                                  

Parenting Gifted Children - Tuesday evenings 19:30-21:30

Dates:     8/5     22/5     12/6    26/6   10/7                                             

Agenda first half 2012

Signing in is not possible anymore for the groups below, but a similar groups will be created for the Autumn (October/November). Please send me a mail if you would be interested   Email

The facilitator  is certified life-coach Elisabeth Møllgaard     Price 200 Euro  
Duration Six times 2 hours      Small group of  max 12  persons

Hire Elisabeth Møllgaard as a speaker

From time to time I engage in speaking for larger groups on the topics of mindfulness, stress management, underachievement etc. Please contact me if you would be interested in a presentation

Arrange your own groups on Mindfulness

In case you would like to form your own group on mindfulness, Elisabeth Møllgaard would enjoy being your facilitator. You have to be minimum 4 persons, maximum 8.  Format according to your wishes. Please contact me.

Agenda 2024

The groups are facilitated by Elisabeth Møllgaard or Kate Ensor

taking place on Zoom or
in Olingen - 15 min. drive from Kirchberg, 30 min. by bus

Small groups of maximum 8 people

Your own group on Parenting Gifted Children

In case you would like to form your own group on parenting gifted children, Elisabeth Møllgaard would enjoy being your facilitator. You have to be min. 4 persons, max. 8.  Format according to your wishes.

Please contact me.

Agenda 2024                                                  

We are happy to announce that Luxembourg-based Kate Ensor is now offering mindfulness courses.

Have a look at for the agenda for 2024.

Or follow us on facebook: Mindfulness Luxembourg

Of course it is still possible too to contact Elisabeth Møllgaard in case you would like to learn about mindfulness or stress management in a private setting tailored to your needs, - or if you are a group of people wanting to explore.

Mindful Meetings - Advanced Group                    

dates: 18/1    1/2  8/2  22/2     8/3  22/3    12/4  26/4   17/5  31/5    14/6  28/6

Every second Friday morning 9:30-11:30 - pay only when you come                        

Individual Mindfulness Coaching

If you are not able to join a group meeting on specific times and dates, Individual Mindfulness Coaching with Elisabeth Møllgaard might be another option.

Over a period of two months, we will meet 5 times for 7-8 hours in total following the same program as the Introduction Groups but with the coaching even more adapted to your specific circumstances.

Price 470 Euro. Contact email.

Past groups

Signing in is not possible anymore for the groups below. Have a look at the top of this page for the present agenda.

Introduction to Mindfulness 6 - Thursday mornings 9:00-11:00

dates: 17/1   24/1   7/2   21/2   28/2                                              

Introduction to Mindfulness 5 - Thursday evenings 19:00-21:00

dates: 17/1   24/1   7/2   21/2   28/2                                             

Agenda Winter 2013

Signing in is not possible anymore for the groups below

Introduction to Mindfulness 4- Thursday mornings 9:00-11:00

dates: 11/10   18/10    25/10   15/11   29/11                                            

Introduction to Mindfulness 3 - Tuesday evenings 19:00-21:00

dates: 9/10    16/10  23/10   6/11    20/11                                              

Agenda Autumn 2012

Signing in is not possible anymore for the groups below

Mindful Meetings - Advanced Group                    

dates: 18/1    1/2  8/2  22/2     8/3  22/3    12/4  26/4   17/5  31/5    14/6  28/6

Every second Friday morning 9:30-11:30 - pay only when you come                        

Introduction to Mindfulness 8 - Wednesd mornings 9:00-11:00

dates: 10 April, 17 April and 24 April plus 8 May and 15 May


Introduction to Mindfulness 7 - Wednesd evenings19:00-21:00

dates: 10 April, 17 April and 24 April plus 8 May and 15 May


Agenda Spring 2013

Signing in is not possible anymore for the groups below

Mindful Meetings - Advanced Group                    

dates: 2/4  26/4   17/5  31/5    14/6  28/6

Every second Friday morning 9:30-11:30 - pay only when you come                        

Agenda Summer 2013

Signing in is not possible anymore for the groups below

Mindful Meetings - Advanced Group                    

dates: 19 September, 3 & 17 October, 7 & 21 November, plus 5 & 19 December

Every second Thursday morning 9:00-11:00 - pay only when you come                        

Agenda Autumn 2013

Signing in is not possible anymore for the groups below

Introduction to Mindfulness 9 - ‘Extra’ group Thursday evenings 19:30-21:30

dates: 13 & 27 Juni, 4 & 10 July, plus 27 August


Introduction to Mindfulness 10 - Wed. mornings 9:00-11:00

dates: 2 & 16 October, 6, 13 & 27 November, and 4 December


Introduction to Mindfulness 11 - Thursd. evenings19:00-21:00

dates: 3, 10, 17 & 24 October and then 14 & 21 November


Mindful Meetings - Advanced Group                    

dates: 16 & 30 January, 13 & 27 February, 13 & 27 March

Every second Thursday morning 9:00-11:00 - pay only when you come                        

Agenda Winter 2014

Signing in is not possible anymore for the groups below

Introduction to Mindfulness 12 - Wed. mornings 9:00-11:00

dates: 26/2, 5/3, 12/3, 19/3, 26/3, plus 30/4 


Introduction to Mindfulness 13 - Tuesday evenings19:00-21:00

dates: 25/2, 4/3, 11/3, 18/3, 25/3 and 1/4


Mindful Meetings - Advanced Groups                    

dates: 8 & 22 May, 5 & 19 June and 3 July
Every second Thursday morning 9:00-11:00 - pay only when you come    


dates: 13 May & 3 June & 17 June, 1 July
Every second Thursday Evening 19:00-21:00 - pay only when you come                      

Agenda Summer 2014

Signing in is not possible anymore for the groups below

Introduction to Mindfulness 14 - Wed. mornings 9:00-11:00

dates: 26/2, 5/3, 12/3, 19/3, 26/3, plus 30/4 


Introduction to Mindfulness 15 - Tuesday evenings19:00-21:00

dates: 25/2, 4/3, 11/3, 18/3, 25/3 and 1/4


Mindful Meetings - Drop-in Groups                    

dates: 25/9, 9/10, 23/10, 13/11, 27/11 & 18/12
Every second Thursday morning 10:00-12:00 - pay only when you come    


dates: 22/9, 13/10, 27/10, 10/11, 17/11 & 1/12 plus 15/12
Every second Monday Evening 19:15-21:15 - pay only when you come                      

Agenda Autumn 2014

Signing in is not possible anymore for the groups below

Introduction to Mindfulness 16 -Thursday mornings 9:00-11:00

dates: 2/10, 16/10, 6/11, 20/11, 4/12 & 11/12 


Introduction to Mindfulness 17 - Monday evenings19:00-21:00

dates: 29/9, 6/10, 20/10, 3/11, 24/11 & 8/12


Agenda Winter 2015

Signing in is not possible anymore for the groups below

Mindful Meetings - Drop-in Group Thurs. morning 10:00-12:00

dates: 8/1, 5/2, 19/2, 5/3 and 19/3 


Introduction to Mindfulness 18 - Monday evenings19:15-21:15

dates: 9/2, 23/2, 2/3, 9/3, 16/3 and 23 /3


Agenda Spring 2015

Signing in is not possible anymore for the groups below

Mindful Stress Management                                                             

dates: 27 April, 4, 11 & 18 May, 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29 June, 6 July

Monday Lunchtime 12:15-13:15 (room open 12-13:30)                       

Introduction to Mindfulness Group 19                                             

dates: 2, 9, 16 & 30 June, 7 July and once in August or September

Tuesday evenings 19:00-21:00                                                         

Mindful Meetings - Drop-in Morning Group                                    

dates: 30 April, 7 & 21 May, 11 & 25 June, 2 July

Thursday mornings 10:00-11:30

Mindfulness - Wednesday Lunchtime Breathing Space               

dates: 2, 9, 16, 23 & 30 September, 7, 14, 21 & 28 October   - continues in Nov/Dec. ’15

Wednesday Lunchtime 12:30-13:30                                                   

Introduction to Mindfulness Group 20                                             

dates: 14, 21 & 28 September, 5, 12 and 19 October

Information evening 7 September - free

Monday evenings 19:15-21:15                                                         

Mindful Meetings - Drop-in Morning Group                                    
dates: 10 & 24 September, 8 & 22 October

Thursday mornings 10:00-11:30 - pay for the times you participate

Agenda Autumn 2015

Signing in is not possible anymore for the groups below

Midweek Meditation on Zoom

The group meets to share a 30 minute meditation and a short reflective talk lead by mindfulness teacher, Kate Ensor

Price : for free :-)                                          


Introduction to Mindfulness Group 21                                             

dates: 18 & 25 January, and 1, 15 & 29 February, 7 March

Information evening 4 January - free

Monday evenings 19:15-21:15                                                         

Agenda Spring 2016

Signing in is not possible anymore for the groups below

Agenda Winter 2015/16

Signing in is not possible anymore for the groups below

Extra: Advanced Mindfulness Group meeting 6 consecutive times                                             

dates:9, 16, 23 November &  7, 14, 21 December 2015

Monday evenings 19:15-21:15                                                         

Introduction to Mindfulness Group 22                                             

dates: 21 & 28 April, 12 & 26 May, 9 &16 June

Thursday evenings 19:30-21:30                                                        

Mindfulness Workshops                                             

dates:8 February, 22 February, 14 March

Monday evenings 19:15-21:15                                                         

Mindfulness - Wednesday Lunchtime Breathing Space               

dates: 13, 20 & 27 April, and 4, 11, 18 & 25 May, plus 1, 8, 15, 22 and 19 June

Wednesday Lunchtime 12:30-13:30                                                   

Mindfulness - Wednesday Lunchtime Breathing Space               

dates: 11, 18, 25 November, 2, 9, 16 December   - continues in ’16

Wednesday Lunchtime 12:30-13:30                                                   

Mindfulness & Meditation Workshops                                             

dates: 14 April, 2 June, 30 June

Thursday evenings 19:15-21:15                                                         

Agenda Autumn 2016

Signing in is not possible anymore for the groups below

Introduction to Mindfulness Group 23                                             

dates: 8, 15, 22 & 29 November and 6 & 13 December

Tuesday evenings 19:00-21:00                                                        

Mindfulness - Thursday Lunchtime Breathing Space               

dates: Every Thursday in September, October, November and December

Thursday Lunchtime 12:30-13:30 at Kirchberg                                                  

Mindfulness & Meditation Workshop                                             

dates: 20 December

Tuesday evenings 19:00-21:00                                                        

Agenda Winter/Spring 2017

Signing in is not possible anymore for the groups below

Introduction to Mindfulness Group 24                                             

dates: 18/1 & 25/1, 1/2, 8/2 & 15/2, 1/3, 8/3, 15/3, 22/3 & 29/3

Tuesday evenings 19:00-21:00                                                        

Mindfulness - Wednesday Lunchtime Breathing Space               

dates: 18/1 & 25/1, 1/2, 8/2 & 15/2, 1/3, 8/3, 15/3, 22/3 & 29/3

Wednesday Lunchtime 12:30-13:30 in Olingen         - Mindful Stress Management Course                                                

Advanced Mindfulness Group                                      

dates: 24/1 & 31/1, 14/2 & 28/2, 14/3 & 28 /3

Tuesday evenings 19:00-21:00                                                        

Agenda Winter 2017/18

Signing in is not possible anymore for the groups below

Introduction to Mindfulness Group 25                                             

dates: 15/1, 22/1, 29/1 & 5/2, 26/2 & 5/3

Monday evenings 19:00-21:00                                                        

Experienced Mindfulness Group meeting 8 times               

dates: Twice a month from November to February

Monday Evenings 19:30-21:00 in Olingen         -                                                

Agenda Winter 2023/24                                   Email if you would like to join or know more

For the time being, the groups with EMCoaching are temporarily suspended. In case you would like to engage in individual mindfulness coaching, please send an Email.  

Alternatively visit the website of Kate Ensor, qualified mindfulness teacher who offers courses on Zoom.

Agenda Winter 2020

Signing in is not possible anymore for the groups below

Introduction to Mindfulness Group 26                                             

dates: 13/1, 20/1, 27/1 & 10/2, 2/3 & 16/3

Monday evenings 19:00-21:00                                                        

Mindfulness - Wednesday Lunchtime Breathing Space               

dates: 15, 22 & 29/4, 6, 13, 20 & 27/5

Wednesday Lunchtime 12:30-13:30 on Zoom         - Mindful Stress Management Course                                                

Agenda Winter 2020

Signing in is not possible anymore for the groups below

Monday Mindfulness Meditation               

dates: 20 & 27/4, 4 & 11 & 18/5

Monday Evenings 19:30-20:30 on Zoom