Thoughts on coaching


Who is seeing a coach? and why?

There are all sorts of reasons why somebody decides to consult a life-coach.

Going through life-changes or wishing for a change is often a major reason, but it could also simply be that ‘thing’ you never get done or that plan that - in spite of all good intentions - does not seem to happen.

Coaching is built upon the assumption that you already have all the knowledge and tools you need to achieve what you want. Coaching just helps you unravel the answers. So I ask most of the questions, and you have all the answers.

Talking to friends, colleagues and family is important and helps in many cases when finding your answers. When talking to a coach you do not only get other kinds of reactions and questions, but you avoid having to relate to the (well-meant) wishes of the other person.

AND, coaching is highly confidential - of course.

So how is it done?

The coaching process involves a series of one-to-one one-hour sessions, usually face to face. Sometimes we only need to meet a few times, other times the process take longer.

When being coached you are the expert on you. As the client, you are responsible for you and your life. You are setting your own expectations and goals. In most cases we will early on design a coaching agreement. At all times, the focus is on your values and aspirations.

I am trained in listening, observing and being curious on your behalf, and most importantly, I create an atmosphere of trust.

Leaflet on
Stress coaching

EMCoaching luxembourG


certified life-coach Elisabeth Møllgaard

Prices per session

Ordinarily 100€ incl. VAT
- lower prices for students, unemployed etc.

Appointments and questions
via email click HERE


How do you do?

In case you would like to know more
- or in case you would like to make an appointment
- please send me an email

I will answer by phone or email as you wish.


take place here in Olingen or via VideoCall using Zoom, Skype, FaceTime or WhatsApp according to your choice

At the first appointment

we take stock of your situation and wishes, check out our chemistry and make a plan for the coaching

Would you like to know more?
Have a look at my blog at AngloINFO where I’m blogging on life-coaching in Luxembourg.

Coaching for both your professional & your personal life

Everything in life
is there as a
vehicle for your transformation.
Use it!

- Ram Dass

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